Staying Small Successfully: A Guide for Architects, Engineers, and Design Professionals

Staying Small Successfully: A Guide for Architects, Engineers, and Design Professionals (Hardcover) Affiliate Link

“Many architects, landscape architects, and interior designers are self-employed or are partners in small firms. These professionals must understand the management, administrative, and planning skills that are critical to the success of a design firm–and apply them to a small business profile. The revision of this best-selling book addresses the latest changes that affect the successful management and growth of small firms.” Professional Land Surveyor Source:

This is a book that you have to read. It is one of the best books I’ve read that is specifically written for Architects, Engineers and Design Professionals: Professional Land Surveyors included.

I stumbled across this book shopping for business books at a major bookstore, not believing that something so related to our industry has even been written. It was well worth the price and in reading this book I improved my business, business skills and business outlook.

I rate this book 4 RODS out of a total possible 4 RODS.


One response to “Staying Small Successfully: A Guide for Architects, Engineers, and Design Professionals”

  1. Manuj Darshan Avatar

    In the courses, Building codes & vigilance should be taught to the students and how to volunteer to make a good earth.