Tag: 4 RODS

  • Professional Land Surveyor Product Review of EcoStakes

    What value would you give to your survey monuments if they could provide longevity, be easily found and are environmentally friendly, too? One solution that provides all of these benefits is the EcoStake, available exclusively from Berntsen. Berntsen was kind enough to provide me with a small sample of the EcoStake in the different sizes,…

  • Staying Small Successfully: A Guide for Architects, Engineers, and Design Professionals

    “Many architects, landscape architects, and interior designers are self-employed or are partners in small firms. These professionals must understand the management, administrative, and planning skills that are critical to the success of a design firm–and apply them to a small business profile. The revision of this best-selling book addresses the latest changes that affect the…

  • Book Review: Mastering AutoCad Civil 3D

    Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 is a must read if you are using, or plan to implement, AutoCAD Civil 3D. I bought this book last year and I refer to it all the time. Written by Dana Probert, E.I.T., James Wedding, P.E., along with Mark Scacco, P.E., and Jason Hickey, this book gives comprehensive information,…

  • My Rating System

    I will be reviewing books, software and equipment and I will use the following, land surveying related, rating system I’ve created: 1 ROD  = Not recommended. 2 RODS = Recommended with reservations. 3 RODS = Recommended. 4 RODS = Highly recommended. For those unfamiliar with land surveying, rods are a unit of measurement from ancient times…