Professional Surveyor Magazine Moving from Land Desktop to AutoCAD Civil 3D Software Review

June CoverLast month’s Professional Surveyor Magazine included a Software Review: My Evolution from Land Desktop to Carlson Software by Jennifer DiBona, aka That CAD Girl. This was the first of a two-part series of articles explaining how and why two AutoCAD Land Desktop experts decided to move either to Carlson Software or AutoCAD Civil 3D.

This month’s Professional Surveyor Magazine includes the second part, written by me, entitled: Moving from Land Desktop to AutoCAD Civil 3D.

You can read my article in Professional Surveyor Magazine here:

Do you like to work with AutoCAD Civil 3D, Carlson, or some other CAD program? Leave a comment or recorded a message for the PLS Podcast (send a recording via email or record one at 401-484-0757).



2 responses to “Professional Surveyor Magazine Moving from Land Desktop to AutoCAD Civil 3D Software Review”

  1. Shubajit saha Avatar

    Thank you very much for the great article. this is very useful post. All the points you mentioned are relevant and put together in an interesting way

  2. […] Professional Surveyor Magazine Moving from Land Desktop to AutoCAD Civil 3D Software Review […]