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Professional Land Surveyor Newsletter Update
Just a quick note about the Professional Land Surveyor Newsletters. If you already subscribe you no doubt have noticed that I’ve added a few new features to these weekly newsletters, which I hope helps you to broaden your knowledge of other professionals and specifically helps you to navigate the social media sites making a few new friends, clients, and business partners.
If you haven’t already subscribed to my newsletters, I invite you to do so. You can subscribe to the following Newsletters:
- Professional Land Surveyor Newsletter – Generally a Monthly Newsletter.
- Professional Land Surveyor Digest – Receive Weekly and Monthly updates of the latest posts, a weekly message from me, and more!
- Sponsor Email List – Receive special offers and updates relevant to sponsors and vendors.
If you haven’t already delved into social media, and maybe more important – social media marketing – this is a fantastic way to meet your fellow professionals and market yourself and your company.
If you’re not already into Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, now’s the time to sign up and learn about each other, what we each have to offer, and perhaps, share a little about yourself.
Here are the great sites on the web, terrific twitterers and facebook friends you can find in our newsletters and more if you subscribe:
Web Resource of the Week:
The Web Resource of the Week goes to the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) website. I know this may seem obvious, but the more you dig into this site the more you realize how much information there is for us land surveyors. Click on the image to the right to visit the NGS website.
The Web Resource of the Week goes to the NASA website. This is a fantastic website where you can browse for hours learning about NASA and space.
Checkout the multimedia section, there’s lots of cool stuff there: Images, Videos, Podcast, NASA TV, Interactive features, 3D Resources, and more.
The whole NASA site is very interactive, entertaining and full of learning resources.
Please contact me if you have a site you would like me to consider, whether it’s your own or just a great one you found.
Twitter Tweepout:
This week I’m giving a Twitter Tweepout to@PRiSM_Surveying. This south Florida surveyor specializes in: Boundary, Topographic, Expert Witness, Construction, Quantity Earthwork and ALTA Surveys. Mostly though, I just enjoy their tweets!
If you would like to be included in this Twitter Tweepout, just follow me on Twitter at @EricColburn. I do try to keep up to date with my followers tweets, but please send me a direct message or retweet one of my tweets so that I know that you’re out there and can connect with you.
This week I’m giving a Twitter Tweepout to @seandburke. Sean’s Twitter Bio says: “Digital Design Consultant, with a love of all things Revit and BIM. RWU Alum. LEED AP, with big ideas….”.
Proving that it’s a small world after all (is anyone else hearing music), yesterday I tweeted about a holiday tree lighting ceremony in a village in a nearby town (my son was playing trumpet in a brass band there) called Harmony and Sean responded that he had never heard of that village, but after looking it up he realized that he had driven through it many times.
Here’s the catch, Sean is a west coast guy and I’m on the east coast. A little research into Sean’s work history (check out his blog at SDB Consulting) and come to find out he once worked and lived in my neck of the woods.
If you would like to be included in this Twitter Tweepout, just follow me on Twitter at @EricColburn. I do try to keep up to date with my followers’ tweets, but please send me a direct message or retweet one of my tweets so that I know that you’re out there and can connect with you.
Facebook Fanaticus Focus:
This week’s Facebook Fanaticus Focus, awarded to a noteworthy follower of our Professional Land Surveyor Facebook Group, goes to Skip Farrow. Skip is the owner of Palmetto Equipment and Supply Company, but more important, in my mind at least, is Skip’s support for land surveyors, in general, and of all land surveyors using social media. And no, I am not receiving any compensation for this from Skip or Palmetto.
This week’s Facebook Fanaticus Focus, awarded to a noteworthy follower of our Professional Land Surveyor Facebook Group, goes to Kovilen Reddy. Kovilen posted some great pictures of mobilizing crews with the help of a helicopter to survey dinosaur footprints and get molds of them in South Africa. Kovilen, thanks for sharing – very cool!
You, too, can be highlighted for my Facebook Fanaticus Focus by joining the Professional Land Surveyor Group on Facebook. Join, join in, and/or send me a message.
In Closing
So, I hope that if you already receive my newsletters that you have enjoyed these new features: Web Resource of the Week, Twitter Tweepout and Facebook Fanaticus Focus. If you do not receive my newsletters I look forward to you doing so – It’s Free!
If you have a favorite website, please pass it along. If you follow me on Twitter or the Professional Land Surveyor Facebook Group, give me a shout.
Thanks and be brilliant!
Eric D. Colburn, Professional Land Surveyor