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Tag: Two
Soyuz Launched With First Two Geopositioning Galileo Satellites
A Soyuz rocket has lifted off on its maiden flight from Europe’s space base in South America, carrying the first two satellites in the Galileo geopositioning system. The launch — the first by the veteran rocket beyond Russia’s historic bases at Plesetsk and Baikonur — is part of a commercial deal struck in 2003 to…
LightSquared – Part Two Video on The Communicators
On The Communicators, the second part of our look at LightSquared, a company building a national wireless broadband network. Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) of the House Science, Space and Technology Subcommittee and Jim Kirkland, founding member of the Coalition to Save our GPS are critical of LightSquared’s goals and business practices. Also joining the discussion…