Tag: Time

  • Knowing Your Numbers-Land Surveying Field Metrics for Success

    A while back, I wrote Knowing Your Numbers-How To Measure Your Success, an article on the importance of developing your own set of metrics and benchmarks to accurately measure your success, or failure, which is something we all need to understand. In this Premium Membership post I expand on that theme; specifically how to use land surveying…

  • Sometimes It’s Time To Clean The Works

    Week in review, the good, the bad, and the ugly. This past week was, for me, both productive and frustrating all at the same time. While I accomplished a lot of what I set out to do, by weeks end not everything on my To Do List got done. In fact, a few of the…

  • 5 Saturday Tips for a More Productive Next Week

    Here are a few tips to help you succeed in having a more productive next week. Question: Why Saturday? Answer: Why not? No seriously now; because the best way to execute success is to plan for success. The day really isn’t important, so let’s call it “End of the Week” Tips for a More Productive…