Tag: Recession

  • Autodesk Profits Fall and Lays Off 520 Employees

    Autodesk Profits Fall and Lays Off 520 Employees

    Autodesk stumbled this week, missing its earning expectations, cutting its full-year sales growth forecast, stocks taking a beating, and then laying off 520 employees, being 7% of their total staff. Got Recession? It seems that the uber-techno-giant Autodesk is also feeling the recession-that-went-on-too-long-blues. Can you believe that Autodesk has got recession, too? Particularly considering their low-cost…

  • Is 2012 When The Housing Market Rebounds?

    Is 2012 When The Housing Market Rebounds?

    Housing Market Improves Recent good news about the US housing market suggest that maybe, just maybe, there is life in this key economic sector, after all. With other parts of the economy now slowing down, like the what was once strong performance in manufacturing, positive signs of improvement in the housing market show that for…

  • Is The Housing Market On The Rebound?

    Is The Housing Market On The Rebound?

    For Premium Members Only. You Can Register Here »»Premium Signup The economic news and reports as of late have at best been mixed, without that shining light at the end of the economic collapse’s tunnel to lead us into decided recovery. Lagging in improvement, and as one of the largest drags on the economy, the…

  • Professional Land Surveyor Premium Post Updates

    Professional Land Surveyor Premium Post Updates

    Professional Land Surveyor Premium Post Updates I was just updating the Premium Membership Specials page by adding a list of all the Premium Posts I’ve published to date. I did not realize that they now add up to over 40 premium posts, how time flies when you’re having fun (and I am!). To sign up,…

  • Land Surveying 911: Which Land Surveyors Should I Layoff And Which Should I Keep?

    Land Surveying 911: Which Land Surveyors Should I Layoff And Which Should I Keep?

    In this Land Surveying 911 series article, some names have been changed to protect the inquisitive. Submit your Land Surveying 911 request using the form at the end of this article. Dan, the survey manager of a struggling professional land surveying and civil engineering firm, submitted the following Land Surveying 911 question. Land Surveying 911: Which…

  • Professional Land Surveyor 2010 Wrapup and 2011 Outlook

    2010 Wrapup I started to write this article as an article about the top trends for 2010 in the land surveying and design world. After approximately 2-seconds, this is what I came up with: The Economy. The Economy. The Economy. It’s the Economy, Stupid…. It really was the overriding, all encompassing and number one (through…

  • Professional Land Surveyor Survey-Post Great Recession-Are Jobs Going to Come Back?

    In this week’s PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR SURVEY I’m asking the question: Post Great Recession-Are Jobs Going to Come Back? I’ve been thinking lately about what the jobs situation in the land surveying industry will look like as as a full recovery takes hold and the Great Recession, hopefully, comes to an end. Lately I’ve heard several…

  • PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR SURVEY-Looking Forward to 2010 or Glad to See 2009 Go?

    In this week’s PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR SURVEY I’m asking the question: Looking Forward to 2010 or Glad to See 2009 Go? I ask this question both from a land surveying industry perspective and from a personal perspective. I’m sure that from a professional land surveying industry perspective 2009 has been a year full of challenges for…

  • PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR SURVEY-Is Your Company Having a Party for the Holiday Season?

    In this week’s PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR SURVEY I’m asking the question: Is Your Company Having a Party for the Holiday Season? I’ve read some comments by Professional Land Surveyors, AutoCAD and Engineering types on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn about company holiday / Christmas parties and the economy – and it got me to thinking about…

  • PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR SURVEY-Is The Economy Improving For Professional Land Surveyors?

    In this week’s PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR SURVEY I’m asking the question: Is The Economy Improving For Professional Land Surveyors? I’ve noticed, lately, a small uptick in the business climate and the phones have started to ring again. The other day I attended a class full of land surveyors, engineers and septic system installers and most, but…

  • 5 Post Recession Professional Land Surveyor Thoughts

    I don’t have a magic crystal ball to tell what’s going to happen when this recession, now being commonly called the “Great Recession”, ends. Of course, on many levels there will be improvements in business, employment, and the economy in general. But reflecting on past recessions I’ve had the misfortune of living through, and from…

  • Bentley Introduces Timely Value-Creative Subscription Innovations to Help Sustain the Infrastructure Professions

    13 October 2009 Company Endeavors to Help Both Large Organizations and Individual Practitioners to Expand Information Technology Adoption in Response to Economic Challenges CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Be Inspired: Infrastructure Best Practices Symposium and Awards – Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for the infrastructure that sustains our world, today announced,…

  • Autodesk Reports Second Quarter Fiscal 2010 Financial Results

    SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Aug. 13 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Autodesk, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADSK) today reported financial results for the second quarter of fiscal 2010. Revenue was $415 million, a decrease of three percent sequentially and 33 percent compared to the second quarter of fiscal 2009. GAAP diluted earnings per share were $0.05, compared to a GAAP diluted…

  • Professional Land Surveyor Journal August 17, 2009

    A day at the beach. It has been very difficult times for my family and I for the past two years. Recession, the complete stoppage of work, financial burdens, health issues, you name it and times have been tough. Significant losses of income, Lyme disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Swine Flu all have taken their toll…

  • The Economy, Cash For Clunkers and a Turning Tide?

    A turning tide? Only time will tell for certain, but the economy finally seems to be making a turnaround. People and companies, I think, have adjusted to the financial and business realities of recession, made adjustments, and now are ready to move forward. Not surprisingly, because consumer spending makes up nearly 70% of the U.S.…

  • Professional Land Surveyor Journal July 17, 2009

    Summertime and the Living is Easy? Nice summer weather is finally here in New England, although it’s still been on the cool side and we’ve been hard-pressed to go more than a day without some rain. After more than three months of nearly non-stop rain, it’s amazing what a few consecutive sunny days will do…

  • Is the Recession’s End in Sight-ABC News

    Check out financial expert Liz Ann Sonders on ABC News who says that the economy has turned a corner and the recession most likely ended in April. Do you agree?

  • 5 Business Value Concepts for the Professional Land Surveyor

    Let’s start off with two sides of the value proposition, external and internal. External value is what you’re striving to provide your clients and the perceived value, in their minds, your clients receive from your services. Internal value is everything that improves and grows your professional land surveying company, which most of the time your…

  • Recession Forces More Brits to Make Life-Changing Financial Decisions

    A new survey from Selftrade reveals a marked shift is taking place in people’s attitudes to money – as major life changes during the recession in 2009 create a society intolerant to debt and less likely to trust others to manage their money. London (PRWeb UK) April 14, 2009 — With the economic slowdown forcing…

  • Survey-Should AIG Employees get Bonuses?

    Should AIG employees get bonuses? I’m not sure why AIG employees working (?) for a company that would be bankrupt without our hard earned paid taxes would deserve a bonus! If you’ve got the nerve to ask for and receive a bonus when you screwed-up the company in the first place, then you are a…