Tag: National Geodetic Survey

  • Study: Economic Value of NOAA’s Geodetic Services at $2.4 Billion

    Proposed Modernization Program to Net Additional $522 Million The NOAA-managed National Spatial Reference System (NSRS), the official U.S. government source for precise latitude, longitude and elevation measurements, provides more than $2.4 billion in potential annual benefits to the U.S. economy, according to a new independent study. Refining and modernizing the system for measuring elevation has…

  • Arkansas Secretary of State Charlie Daniels Presents State Capitol Exhibit on Land Surveying

    LITTLE ROCK, AR—Secretary of State Charlie Daniels today announced the opening of the summer State Capitol exhibit, Lines on the Land, which celebrates both the art and science of land surveying as practiced in Arkansas for almost 200 years. The exhibit features images from the archives of the National Geodetic Survey’s archives, plus a generous…

  • National Ocean Service-Diving Deeper Podcast-What is Geodesy?

    National Ocean Service-Diving Deeper Podcast-What is Geodesy? Learn about geodesy in this interview with Dru Smith from the National Geodetic Survey. The discussion highlights why geodesy is important and how we rely on it every day. Diving Deeper is a bi-weekly audio podcast featuring discussions with NOS scientists on a wide variety of ocean topics.…

  • Surveying: Theory and Practice

    Surveying: Theory and Practice Product Description This updated edition contains the same breadth and depth as previous editions with pertinent chapter topics divided into two parts. Part A covers elementary topics and Part B covers advanced topics. This innovative design, coupled with the most recent developments in technology, complements first- and second-level courses in surveying…

  • NOAA Names First Woman to Direct National Geodetic Survey

    NOAA Names First Woman to Direct National Geodetic Survey Juliana P. Blackwell has been named the new director of NOAA’s Office of National Geodetic Survey where she will oversee NOAA’s responsibilities for the nation’s spatial reference system. She is the first woman to head the nation’s oldest federal science agency which was established by President…

  • NOAA Podcast-Shipwreck added to Historic Register-15th Anniversary of Positioning Network (episode 18)

    NOAA Podcast-Shipwreck added to Historic Register-15th Anniversary of Positioning Network (episode 18) An early 20th century shipwreck located in a NOAA National Marine Sanctuary is added to the National Register of Historic Places. And the National Geodetic Survey celebrates the 15th anniversary of the Continuously Operating Reference Station program. Professional Land Surveyor Source: NOAA