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Tag: First
Soyuz Launched With First Two Geopositioning Galileo Satellites
A Soyuz rocket has lifted off on its maiden flight from Europe’s space base in South America, carrying the first two satellites in the Galileo geopositioning system. The launch — the first by the veteran rocket beyond Russia’s historic bases at Plesetsk and Baikonur — is part of a commercial deal struck in 2003 to…
Virginia Tech Students Win First Place in the 14th Annual Carlson Software National Senior Design Competition
Results of the 14th Annual Carlson Software National Senior Design Competition Are In Virginia Tech Students Take First Place MAYSVILLE, Ky., U.S.A. — Congratulations to all of the schools that participated in the 2011 Carlson Software National Senior Mine Design Competition.
Land Surveyors United-Earth’s First Online Surveying Community
What if there was a way for Land Surveyors to meet online and develop social networks, without leaving their desks? Well then I’m happy to introduce to you Land Surveyors United (LSU). This is a social media site developed by Palmetto Equipment Equipment & Supply, Inc. geared exclusively for those professionals in land surveying, GPS, mapping…