Beavertail Lighthouse Jamestown RI

Professional Land Surveyor Weekly Roundup April 15, 2012

Beavertail Lighthouse Jamestown RI
Beavertail Lighthouse, Jamestown, RI

The week that was, is now history. But, it was a very busy and productive week, indeed! The Professional Land Surveyor Podcast is back, AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 is out and being explored, and my AutoCAD Civil 3D Consulting business is really taking off. Fueling the recent uptick in requests for Civil 3D consulting, most likely, is the retirement and end of Autodesk support of AutoCAD Land Desktop.

However, this week was not all work and no play. I was surveying a property (yes, I still survey every day) near the above pictured lighthouse, and spent an enjoyable break taking photos and just generally enjoying the RI coastline. Actually, several breaks, at lunchtime and at the end of the day. While we, as surveyors, spend a lot of outdoor time, we may not often enough rise above the workaday tasks to fully marvel at nature’s beauty.

But, the highlight of my week, without a doubt, was meeting in person fellow land surveyor and premium member, @nyspls. He was going to be in my area and reached out to me for us to meet. Internet interactions are convenient and allow me to connect with land surveyors from around the globe, which is great. However, face-to-face meetings offer a much more rewarding experience. Thank you @nyspls!

Beavertail  Mini Sea Cave Jamestown RI
Beavertail Mini Sea Cave, Jamestown, RI

Professional Land Surveyor Weekly Roundup:

Professional Land Surveyor Archive – Last 3 weeks:



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