Javad GNNS Announces LightSquared Compensation and Integration

Professional Land Surveyor News
Professional Land Surveyor News

Javad GNSS Forward Looking or Industry Shill?

Javad GNSS, Inc. has announced that its GPS receivers can now compensate for and integrate with the controversial LightSquared network. As has been widely reported, the LightSquared network will emit radio interference which may render useless existing GPS receivers, particularly high-precision units typically used by land surveyors.

Does this development shown forward-thinking by JAVAD GNSS or does it reflect a companies willingness to act as an industry shill? I suppose, only time will tell.

Hail Mary Pass or Shred Business Strategy?

Some are categorizing this move by LightSquared to end this controversy as a “Hail Mary Pass”. There may be some truth to that, as it does benefit LightSquared to “look” like it is finding solutions to the issues it is creating. CNET News today is reporting »» LightSquared solves GPS interference with new device.

LightSquared as published a press release you can read here »»LightSquared Announces Simple, Affordable Solution to GPS Interference Issues.

Affordable Solution to GPS Interference Issues, for Whom?

So, the unbelievable part of this whole story, is the idea that this is an affordable solution to GPS interference issues. Really, affordable for whom? I fail to see how having to purchase new GPS equipment from JAVAD GNSS, or any other manufacturer who jumps onto the bandwagon, is an affordable solution. Simply, it is not an affordable solution to this LightSquared interference issue.

Does LightSquared intend to replace, at their cost, all existing GPS receivers with this new technology? I suspect not, so this supposed “solution” may really be just smoke and mirrors.

However, and I’ve been saying this for some time now, this controversy is finally bringing to light the complacency found throughout the GPS industry and community of users. GPS is GREAT, but it needs to become better. Much better.

JAVAD GNSS Offers Interesting Insight

In reading the Javad GNSS website, I was struck by some interesting insights about what the future could look like. Javad is touting the following benefits of their new equipment:

  • LightSquared not only can coexist with GPS… It complements it.
  • TRIUMPH-LS can benefit from LightSquared communication channels for receiving RTK corrections.
  • LightSquared communication channels are much faster and less expensive than conventional channels for RTK correction transmissions.
Professional Land Surveyor Source: JAVAD GNSS
Think how game changing a nationwide RTK GPS network could be. If the claims of “faster and less expensive” than conventional channels for RTK corrections pans out, this could change how the industry works. Certainly, those entities that already sell RTK solutions should be concerned with this possible eventuality.



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