Federal Highway Administration Announces $1.48 Million For Bridge Improvements in Five States

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The Federal Highway Administration

Louisiana, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Virginia to receive extra funding

WASHINGTON – U.S Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx today awarded $1.48 million in grants to help five states – Louisiana, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Virginia – improve bridge construction and repair using cutting-edge technologies.

“There are many benefits to advancing new construction and repair techniques like these,” said Secretary Foxx. “From shorter work-related traffic tie-ups to roads and bridges that last longer, grants like these have the potential to help drivers everywhere.”

The Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment (IBRD) program, administered by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), promotes more widespread use of effective and beneficial technologies and applications that are not common practice and encourages states to use these technologies.

“By promoting innovative design, materials and methods to improve construction and repair of our nation’s bridges,” said Deputy Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau, “these grants are one of the many forms of investment in America’s infrastructure needs.”

Previous grants, for example, have funded bridge prefabrication projects in which parts are built off-site and then moved into place. Utilizing prefabrication strategies saves drivers countless hours of congestion caused by prolonged bridge work.

The projects to be funded with the $1.48 million award are described below.

State Project/Description Technology Funding Amount
LA Maree Michael and Creek Bridges on LA 91 in Vermillion County. Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) and Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) abutments $250,000
NH US Route 3/NH Route 11 (Laconia Bypass) in Belknap County. Prefabricated Bridge Elements and System (PBES) $283,250
OR 138W Dodge Creek Bridge in Douglas County Use of High Performance A1010 Structural Steel $260,000
PA SR 3110 Shaler Bridge over SR 51 and SR 19 in Allegheny County. Accelerated Bridge Construction using Self-propelled Modular Transport $400,000
VA Clarksville Rd/Earl Davis Gregory Hwy (Route 49) over Aaron’s Creek in Halifax County. Use of Carbon Fiber Composite Cable (CFCC) to replace conventional steel $283,250
TOTAL $1,476,500

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2 responses to “Federal Highway Administration Announces $1.48 Million For Bridge Improvements in Five States”

  1. Gary B Avatar
    Gary B

    $1.48 million is like a drop of H2O in a 5 gallon bucket, over 5 states for this type of work… geesh?

    PS: How’s things these days Eric?

    All the best!

    1. EricColburn Avatar

      Sorry I missed your comment until now. I am doing very well, how about you? I completely agree with you, Gary, for too long society as a whole, and specifically politicians that don’t want to be the one’s raising taxes, have been sweeping this serious problem under the rug. Unfortunately, the culture of use it now and let someone else pay for it later prevails over doing what is right for the long-term.