AutoCAD Civil 3D 911 Webcast

Emergency AutoCAD Civil 3D 911 Contour Label Line Display Video


AutoCAD Civil 3D 911
AutoCAD Civil 3D 911


In this AutoCAD Civil 3D 911 series article is available to all site members beginning at the (free) Associate Member level. Some names have been changed to protect the inquisitive. Submit your AutoCAD Civil 3D 911 request using the form at the end of this article.

AutoCAD Civil 3D 911: How to control the display of Contour Label Lines in AutoCAD Civil 3D?

A LinkedIn Professional Land Surveyor Group member asked how to control the display of Contour Label Lines in AutoCAD Civil 3D?

Tom, another group member and knowledgeable AutoCAD Civil 3D user, answered the question (Thanks, Tom!).

AutoCAD Civil 3D 911 Response

Contour Label Lines result in a contour label getting drawn on the contour lines it crosses. Sometimes, the Contour Label Line shows and plots when you don’t want that result. Often, the Contour Label Line is hidden under the label’s masking, but is shown when moved or stretched. Of course, if you have masking turned off in your contour label style, then it will show, too.

Here’s my video showing you how to control the display of Contour Label Lines in AutoCAD Civil 3D:

The video shows you that you can simply select the contour labels and control the Contour Label Lines display using the properties dialog. This is not very elegant, but gets the job done!

Extra Tip

As noted by Tom, and shown in then the video, you can change a drawing’s settings to not display the Contour Label Lines by default. Here’s how:

  1. Switch to the Prospector Settings tab.
  2. Select Surfaces, and right-click. On the pop-up menu, select Edit Feature Settings…
  3. Expand Contour Labeling Defaults.
  4. Change the value of the Display Contour Label Line from True to False.

Submit Your AutoCAD Civil 3D 911 Question

I hope this finally dispels the myth that you can’t inverse points in AutoCAD Civil 3D. If you have an emergency, complete the  AutoCAD Civil 3D 911 submission form below: