Tag: Tasks

  • 3 Tips For Managing Land Surveying Workloads as an Independent Solo Surveyor

    Last June I wrote 5 Tips For Working as an Independent Solo Surveyor where I shared a few tips I’ve learned about what works best working as an Independent Solo Surveyor. When considering working as an Independent Solo Surveyor and getting up and running with your robotic land surveying equipment, as an example,  it’s very easy to focus too much…

  • 5 Tips for Successful Independent Solo Surveyor Workload Strategies

    In today’s Premium Member post I’d like to discuss effective strategies for effectively mastering your workload. Three years ago this month I transformed my professional land surveyor practice from your typical land surveying company with multiple crews and back-office personnel to that of being a solo surveyor. Here’s what I’ve learned regarding workload strategies.

  • 5 Saturday Tips for a More Productive Next Week

    Here are a few tips to help you succeed in having a more productive next week. Question: Why Saturday? Answer: Why not? No seriously now; because the best way to execute success is to plan for success. The day really isn’t important, so let’s call it “End of the Week” Tips for a More Productive…